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The 2023-2024 School Year begins August 23rd.

We are looking forward to the new school year.

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Bethany School provides a quality private education that focuses on the individual learner since 1987. 

We use a  self-paced curriculum which is ideal for any type of learner, from the special needs to the gifted.

Our Learning Center is designed to allow each child one-on-one support in an environment focused on the individual need.                                         

We accept the FES-EO, FES-UA, and the FTC Step Up for Students Scholarship programs to aid you with your tuition needs.

Busing is included in tuition costs.

A.C.E. Curriculum

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Bethany School
3015 Oleander Boulevard
Fort Pierce, Florida 34982

Phone: 772-467-1016
Fax: 772-465-4709


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Bethany School does not discriminate based on gender, race, or nationality.